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LibWeb is a distributed library network of Russia based on the software and hardware environment being created under the auspices of the Ministry of Science of the Russian Federation, the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, the State Committee for Higher Education of the Russian Federation, the Russian Academy of Sciences in the framework of the Interdepartmental Programme for Building Computer Networks for Research and Education (1995-1998). LibWeb will be a subject-oriented distributed library network ensuring access to and exchange of bibliographic, technological and other information. An overwhelming majority of LibWeb resources will be available via Internet for scientific, cultural and educational institutions and organizations as well as for their (staff) members free of charge. LibWeb is supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (grant No. 95-07-19417) from 1995 and by the Russian Human Sciences Foundation (grant No. 96-05-12025) from 1997.
© LibWeb, 1995-1997