Seventeenth International Conference
"Crimea 2010"

"Libraries and Information Resources in the Modern World of Science, Culture, Education and Business"
Our Professional Future. A View from the UK

Norman Briggs, ILIAC UK Ltd, Reading, UK

The Innovative Project of the “Sudak Bibliotechnopolis” International Noosphere (Conceptual Approaches to the Substantiation)

Pavel Zaydfudim, Moscow State University of Culture and Arts, Khimki, Moscow Region, Russia

Library as a multicultural centre and a source of information in the knowledge-based society

Olga Laukova, State Scientific Library, Banska Bystrica, Slovakia

Information Partnership between the British Higher School of Art and Design and the University of Hertfordshire in the Context of Current Trends in UK Academic Libraries

Victor Zverevich, British Higher School of Art and Design, Moscow, Russia

E-resources and MARK-SQL Automated Information Library System

Lyudmila Levova and Sergey Efremov, INFORM-SYSTEMA Scientific and Production Association, Moscow, Russia

Automated Library Information System for Educational Institutions on the Platform of "1C: Enterprise 8.2" as an Element of Corporate Environment of Libraries of Educational Institutions

Raisa Antipova, Mart Company, Velikie Luki, Pskov region, Russia

Challenges of Implementing RFID Technologies in Libraries

Sergey Abramov, Anatoly Reznik, and Igor Timoshenko, “International Center of Technologies Transfer” Non-profit Partnership, Moscow, Russia

Experience and Prospects of Using RFID Technology in Moscow City Business Library

Dmitry Kotelnikov, Moscow City Business Library, Moscow, Russia

On the Prospects of Library Automation Development

Elena Kovyazina, Institute of Computational Modeling, Siberian Division of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Krasnoyarsk, Russia

Corporate Interaction between the Participating Libraries of the Automated System of the Russian Union Catalog for the Purpose of Ensuring Access to Full text Documents Through the Automated System

Boris Marshak and Marina Ragimova, Russian National Public Library for Science and Technology, Moscow, Russia

A Corporate Network of Minsk Public Municipal Libraries Project

Yuzaf Kostyukevich, United Institute of Information Science Problems, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk, Belarus

The Server and Tools Using Z39.50 for Access to Information Resources in the Library Automation System of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Romuald Grigyanets and Gennady Makarevich, United Institute of Information Science Problems, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk, Belarus

The Union E-catalog of Serial Publications as an Tool of Acquisition Optimization in Belgorod Region Research  Libraries

Nataliya Sorokoletova and Galina Trubchaninova, Belgorod State Universal Scientific Library, Belgorod, Russia

Corporate Environment of Libraries of Educational Institutions. Information Services and Acquisition Systems

Vladimir Smorodin and Dmitry Tsyganov, Mart Company, Velikie Luki, Russia

New Approaches to Cataloguing by Borrowing from IRBIS Corporation

Kirill Sokolinsky, International Association of Users and Developers of Electronic Libraries and New Information Technologies, North-Western Extra-mural Technical University, Educational Information Center, St. Petersburg, Russia

Electronic Catalogues of Serial Publications of the National Library of Russia. (The Process of Creation, Current State, Challenges, and Prospects)

Viktoriya Barsukova, National Library of Russia, St. Petersburg, Russia

Automated Library Information System of the Southern Russian State University of Economics and Service as an Element of the Universitys Uniform Information Environment

Alexandra Domanova and Olga Magritskaya, The Library of the Southern Russian State University of Economics and Service, Shakhty, Rostov Region, Russia

Automation of the Subject-Typological Planning of Acquisition in a Centralized Library System

Elena Bocharova, Yakov Doktorov, and Elena Kochukova, Natural Sciences Library, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia

System and Functional Aspects of the New Generation Automated Library Information Systems

Olga Bulycheva and Pavel Gudkov, 1C Company, Moscow, Russia

IRBIS 64 in Azerbaijan: The Use and Development of the System

Gyunay Mamedova, F. Kocharli Republican Childrens Library, Baku, Azerbaijan

Modernizing Data Preservation Hardware and Software Complex in Connection with Implementing the Technology of User Service in the IRBIS Automated System

Alexander Pavlov, Igor Bazhenov, and Evgeny Greshnov, State Public Library for Science and Technology, Siberian Division of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia

Book Provision in an Academic Library: Challenges and the Ways of Meeting Them

Vladimir Smirnov, Galina Shamatonova, and Dmitry Paley, P. Demidov Yaroslavl State University Scientific Library, Yaroslavl, Russia

Use of IRBIS Library Automation System as an Instrument of Analyzing Services to Subscribers to Selective Dissemination of Information

Olga Ushakova, Center for Science and Technology Information, Krasnoyarsk Region Railway Lines, Krasnoyarsk, Russia

The Practice of Processing Archival Documents Using the IRBIS Automated System

Irina Chernovol, Institute of Archaeology, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine

 Improving the Subscriber and User ILL Services of the Russian National Public Library for Science and Technology by Means of the IRBIS Library Automation System

Lyubov Borodina and Elena Olneva, Russian National Public Library for Science and Technology, Moscow, Russia

E-resources of the Presidential Library of the Republic of Azerbaijan: The Challenges of Funding and Using

Zakir Ismaylov, Presidential Library of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Baku, Azerbaijan

E-library of Alisher Navoi National Library of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Ulugbek Karimov, Alisher Navoi National Library of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Maksim Savochkin and U. Karimov, Abdulla Kadyri Tashkent State Institute of Culture, Tashkent, Uzbekistan

A System for Generating Fulltext E-libraries

Leonid Eremeev and Alexander Kuznetsov, F. M. Dostoevsky State University, Omsk, Russia

New E-collections New Possibilities

Nadezhda Davydova, Russian State Library, Moscow, Russia

Educational E-libraries: Prerequisites for their Establishment and Development in Modern Conditions

Tatyana Nazarova and Mikhail Toporkov, Copyright Integrator Company, Moscow, Russia

Fulltext E-libraries with the Automatic Acquisition and High-precision Search Services

Gennady Osipov, Ivan Smirnov, Ilya Sochenkov, and Ilya Tikhomirov, Institute for Systems Analysis, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia

On Some Differences of E-libraries from Digital Content Repositories of Traditional Libraries

Oleg Zhizhimov and Anatoly Fedotov, Institute of Computational Technologies, Siberian Division of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia
Nikolay Mazov, Academician A. Trofimuk Institute of Oil and Gas Geology and Geophysics, Siberian Division of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia

Memorial and Information Activities of Alexander Griboedov Library on the Threshold of its 100th Anniversary

Elizaveta Leshchenko, Centralized Library System No.2, Central Administrative District, Moscow, Russia

Collection of Art Materials in Library Activities. Acquisition, Registration, and Use

Elena Khaplanova, Russian State Library for Arts, Moscow, Russia

Constant and Variable Constituents of the Notion of a Document

Yury Stolyarov, Research Center for Book Culture Studies, “Nauka” Publishing House, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia

Forming Information Culture of Library Users and Employees

Sergey Drigaylo and Vasily Drigaylo, I. Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine

Possible Ways of Optimizing the Library-Reader Interaction in Technical Libraries of the Russian Railway Lines Company at the Current Stage

Olga Ushakova, Center for Science and Technology Information, Krasnoyarsk Region Railway Lines, Krasnoyarsk, Russia

Contribution of Evgeny Betger, an Outstanding Scholar, Teacher, and Bibliographer, to the Development and Study of the Bibliography in Central Asia

Umida Teshabaeva, Alisher Navoi National Library, Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Libraries in the Innovation System of Russia

Evgeniya Guseva, Russian State Library, Moscow, Russia

Advocacy Practice of Libraries as a New Line of Activity in Library Science

Vera Zagumennaya, State Academy of Culture and Arts for Top Managers, Kiev, Ukraine
Svetlana Barabash, G.I. Denisenko Library for Science and Technology of “Kiev Polytechnic Institute” Ukrainian National Technical University, Kiev, Ukraine

Basic Principles of Bibliography Reflected in the Results of Practical Information and Bibliographic Activities in the Crimea

Galina Yadrova, Crimean Branch of Archaeology Institute, Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences, Simferopol, Ukraine

Professional Literature for Librarians: LibMarket Specialized Bulletin

Tatyana Bereznaya and Elena Kislova, Matrix Press Company, Kiev, Ukraine

Higher Education in the Field of Culture and Art: Introduction of the Third-Generation Educational Standards

Ekaterina Kudrina, Kemerovo State University of Culture and Arts, Kemerovo, Russia

What Education Does Library Russia Need?

Eduard Sukiasyan, Russian State Library; Academy of Retraining in Arts, Culture, and Tourism, Moscow, Russia

Developing New Masters Program on Library and Information Science for Library and Information Science Faculties in Armenia, Georgia, and Uzbekistan: "European Union Eastern Neighbouring Area Central Asia" Cooperation Triangle in Action

Alan Hopkinson, Middlesex University, London, UK
Tigran Zargaryan
, Fundamental Scientific Library of the National Academy of Sciences of Armenia, Erevan, Armenia

Between People and Knowledge: Library as a Knowledge Transfer Instrument ("Knowledge Cube")

Andrey Zemskov, Russian National Public Library for Science and Technology, Moscow, Russia

Fundamentals of the Bibliographic Literacy as an Essential Component of the Students Independent Learning

Lyudmila Savenkova, M.P. Dragomanov National Pedagogical University Scientific Library, Kiev, Ukraine

The Lives of the Students and Teachers Scorched by the War (1941-1945). (To the 80th Anniversary of Moscow State University of Cultre and Arts)

Tatyana Karatygina, Moscow State University of Culture and Arts, Khimki, Moscow Region, Russia

Vocational Guidance Professionalization Self-Realization: How to Attract and to Hold Young People in a Library?

Irina Strelkova, Belarusian State University of Culture and Arts; Committee for Human Resources for Libraries and Continuous Education, Belarus Library Association, Minsk, Belarus

System Organization of a Library and the Questions of Cultivating Professional Awareness

Eduard Sukiasyan, Russian State Library; Academy of Retraining in Arts, Culture, and Tourism, Moscow, Russia

Involving Young Employees in the System of Creating and Exchanging Innovations

Tatyana Vinogradova, A.M. Gorky State Regional Universal Library, Perm, Russia

Universal Decimal Classification: The UDC Summary

Alan Hopkinson, UDC Consortium, Middlesex University, London, UK

System of Classification Schemes for Indexing Physics Documents

Viktor Beloozerov, All-Russian Institute of Scientific and Technical Information, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
Nataliya Shaburova, Institute of Semiconductor Physics, Siberian Division of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia

The Challenges of the Structure and Content of the Leading BBK Class “Interdisciplinary and General Scientific Knowledge"

Eduard Sukiasyan, Editor-in-Chief of Library Bibliographic Classification, Russian State Library; Professor, Library and Information Science Department, Academy of Retraining in Arts, Culture, and Tourism, Moscow, Russia

Progress in UNIMARC

Alan Hopkinson, UNIMARC Standing Committee, Middlesex University, London, UK

Bibliographic Formats and Metadata as a Search and Representation Instrument in the Scientific Heritage of Russia E-library

Vladimir Rubtsov and Nadezhda Yelkina, Library of the Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russia

"Russian  Regions"  Project of  Ecological  Information  Department

Elena Bychkova, Anna Kryukova, Russian National Public Library for Science and Technology, Moscow, Russia

Unique Chance for Kamchatka

Sergey Bychkov, The Project of United Nations Development Program/Global Environment Fund "Demonstrating Sustainable Conservation of Biodiversity in Four Protected Areas in Russias Kamchatka Territory", Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Russia

Ecological Culture of the Population as an Important  Factor of the Regions Decision-making Process

Galina Korepanova, Nataliya Sorokoletova, Belgorod State Universal Scientific Library, Belgorod, Russia

"Russian  Natural  Resources" New  Information  Product  of  RNPLS&T (from  the  "Ecological  E-library  of  RNPLS&T"  Series)

Elena Bychkova, Inessa Kondrasheva, Anna Kryukova, Russian National Public Library for Science and Technology, Moscow, Russia

The Results of All-Russian Ecological Contest-Festival among Public Libraries: New Points and Assessment Criteria of Ecological Awareness in Russian Libraries

Irina Mikhnova and Veronika Leshchinskaya, Russian State Library for the Youth, Moscow, Russia

Electronic Information Sources within the Structure of RNPLS&Ts Library and Information Collections

Galina Evstigneeva, Russian National Public Library for Science and Technology, Moscow, Russia

Publishing Houses and Libraries of Educational Institutions. Meeting at "Books for Education" Internet Resource

Vladimir Smorodin, Mart Company, Velikie Luki, Russia

The Tablets of the 21-st Century Applying Metallic Carriers for Superlong-term Storage of Digitized Library Collections

Dmitry Efimov, “Synergetic Systems” Company, Moscow, Russia

Library Stock of the Russian National Public Library for Science and Technoogy: Struggle for Survival

Lyudmila Kudelina, Russian National Public Library for Science and Technology, Moscow, Russia

Preservation of Publications of the Great Patriotic War Period (19411945) in the RNPLSTs Collections

Tatyana Panteleeva, Russian National Public Library for Science and Technology, Moscow, Russia

Do We Have the Right: Russian Libraries, Digitizing, and Copyright

Vadim Stepanov, Moscow State University of Culture and Arts, Khimki, Moscow Region, Russia

Regions Central Library: On the Concept of Modern Provincial Library

Larisa Kolenko, N. K. Krupskaya Regional Scientific Library, Astrakhan, Russia

The Future of Municipal Libraries in Digital Society Is Being  Introduced Today

Nataliya Sorokoletova and Svetlana Brazhnikova, Belgorod State Universal Scientific Library, Belgorod, Russia

"I. V. Vladislavlev Lectures" in the Belgorod Region

Liliya Sagitova, Belgorod State Institute of Culture and Arts, Belgorod, Russia

Organizing  Library  Interior Space. Exhibition  Activities

Nelli Sokolova, Centralized Library System, Kirovsky District, St. Petersburg, Russia

From Educational Institutions Information Web-site to Information Environment

Anna Tsvetkova, Information Technologies Resource Center of Moscow North Western District Department for Education, Moscow, Russia

New Opportunities for Collection Development and Information Services to School Libraries Due Information and Communication Technologies

Marina Medvedeva,  Mart Company, Velikie Luki, Russia

Our Native Word: From Dahls Dictionary to the Dictionaries of the 21-st Century”: The All-Russian Festival “The Dictionary Day”

Konstantin Derevyanko, “AST” Publishing Group, Moscow, Russia

Corporate Projects of Ukrainian Childrens Libraries

Nataliya Dzyuba and Anastasiya Kobzarenko, National Childrens Library of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine

Forming Schoolchildrens Computer Literacy

Nataliya Dibrova, Taras Shevchenko Kiev National University, Kiev, Ukraine

To Make the World a Better and a Lighter Place

Svetlana Vaylo, Ryazan Regional Chilldrens Library, Ryazan, Russia

From Reading to Creative Activity, or How to Make Children Happy. Publishing Project in Childrens Library

Lyudmila Gavrilina, Centralized Library System ¹ 2. Central Administrative District, Moscow, Russia

"Voyage into H. Ch. Andersens Fairy Tale World". Book-lovers Gathering as a Form of Attracting Readers to Childrens Library

Tatyana Teleleyko, Centralized Library System ¹ 2. Central Administrative District, Moscow, Russia

Open World of Cultural Masterpieces

Nataliya Anosova and Marina Novitskaya , V. N. Orlov Republican Childrens Library, Simferopol, Ukraine

Certificate is Obtained, but Whats Next?

Yuliya Dresher, Republican Medical Library and Information Center, Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan, Russia

Conditions of Knowledge Management in Libraries

Yuliya Dresher and Olga Oleynik, Republican Medical Library and Information Center,   Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan, Russia

On Information Support to Science and Education in the Context of Forming Innovation Economy

Valentina Tsvetkova, All-Russian Institute of Scientific and Technocal Information, “NTI-KOMPAKT” Company, Moscow, Russia

Some  Aspects  of  Information  and  Economic  Conception  of  Research and  Development  Management  in  the  Post-crisis  Context  of  Reforming the  Structure  of  the  National  Economy

Oleg Syuntyurenko and Lyudmila Borisova, All-Russian Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia

Peculiarities  of  Forming  and  Using  Information  Resources in  the  Sphere  of  Scientific,  Technical,  and  Innovative  Activities: Interconnection  between  Economy,  Science,  and  Education

Elena Lindeman, Russian National Public Library for Science and Technology, Moscow, Russia

Organization  of  Library  and  Information  Support  of  Students Scienctific  Research  in a  Technical  Higher  Education  Institution

Tatyana Zvonareva, Far Eastern State Technical University, Vladivostok, Russia

Analysis  of  Demand  for  Information  E-resources on  Science  and  Technology:  Information  Support  to  Science and  Education  Sphere

Kira Gorbuleva, Russian National Public Library for Science and Technology, Moscow, Russia

The Role and Place of Libraries in Shaping Information Society: Some aspects, experience and primary tasks

N. N. Titova, Dnepropetrovsk Regional Universal Scientific library, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine

Organization  of  Patent  and  License  Support  of  Students Scienctific  Research  in  the  Far  Eastern  Region

Tatyana Zvonareva and Mikhail Zvonarev, Far Eastern State Technical University,
Vladivostok, Russia

The Role of the Library of the Crimean Branch of Archaeology Institute of the Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences in Information and Document Support of Educational Process in Crimean Higher Education Institutions

Galina Yadrova, Crimean Branch of Archaeology Institute of the Ukrainian
National Academy of Sciences. Library, Simferopol, Ukraine

Utopia or Reality: Unifying Wording of a Contract with Scientific Organizations and Industrial Enterprises on Interlibrary Loan Library Information Services. Disagreement Issues

Olga Sereda, Russian National Public Library for Science and Technology, Moscow, Russia

Information  Support  of  Patent  and  License  Activity of  the  Enterprises  of  the  Khabarovsk  Territory  which  are  a  Part of  the  Nanotechnological  Network

Lyudmila Fedoreeva, Svetlana Afanaskina and Nataliya Bortsova, Pacific Ocean State University, Khabarovsk, Russia

On  the  Approaches  and  Means  of  Forming  Information  Environment of  a  Research  University

Olga Golitsina, Valentina Zolotareva, Nikolay Maksimov, and Tatyana Stukalova, Moscow Engineering and Physics Institute (Technical University), Moscow, Russia

The Role of Bibliometric Researches in Managing a Higher Education Institutions Scientific Activities

Lyudmila Savenkova and Valentina Volynets, "Kiev Polytechnic Institute" National Technical University of Ukraine.  G.I. Denisenko Library for Science and Technology, Kiev, Ukraine

Experience  of  Forming  Information  Resources on  the  Basis  of  IRBIS  64  in  the  Library  for  Technical  Sciences of  the  Siberian  Federal  University

Tatyana Sergienko, Nadezhda Shevchenko, and Elena Zgurskaya, Siberian Federal University Scientific Library, Library for Technical Sciences, Krasnoyarsk, Russia

Providing  Ideal  Conditions for  Students  Independent  Work

Tamara Gadalina and Tatyana Spitsina, Scientific and Technical Library, S. P. Korolev Samara State Aerospace University, Samara, Russia

Linking Higher Education Institutions to Electronic Library System One of the Main Requirements of the New Educational Standard

Anton Molchanov, Digital Distribution Center, Moscow, Russia

Integration of Ukrainian Academic Libraries: Modern State and Development Prospects

Tatyana Kolesnikova, V. Lazaryan National University of Railway Transport Library for Science and Technology, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine

Forming Students Information Culture (from the Work Experience of the Fundamental Library of the Belarusian State University)

Tatyana Mityukhina and Lyudmila Ushakova, Fundamental Library of the Belarusian State University, Minsk, Belarus

Web  and  Web  2.0  Technologies  as  a  Means  to  Integrate  Libraries
into  Modern  Electronic  Environment

Ilya Sorokin, "Liber" Company, Moscow, Russia
Alexey Skalaban,
Belarusian National Technical University Scientific Library, Minsk, Russia

Electronic Education Technologies in Library Information Services

Elena Pekur, M. P. Dragomanov National Pedagogical University Scientific Library, Kiev, Ukraine

School  Library  in  Blogosphere: CHUMrabotnitsas  Personal  Notes

Irina Kotkina, A. P. Pyrerka Nenets Boarding School, Naryan-Mar, Russia

Network E-resources of Russian State Librarys InformKultura in Cultural, Scientific, and Educational Environment

Milena Sukhotina, Russian State Library, Moscow, Russia

Bibliographic  Services  in  Virtual  Environment: Modern  State  and  Prospects

Evgeniya Naydina, Russian State Library, Moscow, Russia

System  for  Creating  Full-text  E-libraries

Leonid Eremeev and Alexander Kuznetsov, F. M. Dostoevsky State University, Omsk, Russia

New  Technological  Opportunities for  Organizing  Information  Services

Elena Kutuzova, National Library of Russia, St. Petersburg, Russia

OECD iLibrary The OECDs new online library for e-books, e-journals and statistical databases

Damon Allen, Manager, Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), Berlin, Germany

Evaluating the Use of a Journal Collection in a Scientific Library of an Academic Institution: citing analysis

Nikolay Mazov, A. A. Trofimuk Institute of Oil and Gas Geology and Geophysics, Siberian Division of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia

Open Access Developments and an Update from Sweden

Mats Lindquist, National  Library of Sweden, Stockholm, Sweden

Ukraine Welcomes Open Access Initiatives: Current Projects

Irina Kuchma, "Open Access" Program,, Rome, Italy
Tatyana Yaroshenko, "Kiev-Mohyla Academy" National University, Kiev, Ukraine

Using DSpace Open Code Software to Create eKMAIR Institutional Repository
of "Kiev-Mohyla Academy" National University

Oksana Bruy, "Kiev-Mohyla Academy" National University, Kiev, Ukraine
Valorie Hollister, DSpace project for DuraSpace organization, Hartford, USA

LIBRIS - A Swedish Linked Open Library Catalog

Anders Soderback, National Library of Sweden, Stockholm, Sweden

Cultural heritage challenges to information retrieval -A historical perspective

Mats Lindquist, National Library of Sweden, Stockholm, Sweden

Sondera - a portal for serendipitous discovery of cultural heritage

Anders Soderback, National Library of Sweden, Stockholm, Sweden

Common Project of Archives, Libraries, and Museums in Lithuania

Julija Zinkeviciene, Vilnius University, Vilnius, Lithuania

"Cultural  Heritage  of  Chuvashia"  Portal Access  Point  to  Information
on  the  Culture  of  the  Chuvash  People

Tatyana Nikolaeva, National Library of the Republic of Chuvashia, Cheboksary, Russia

Two Georgias on the Websites of Libraries

Natela Popkhadze, "PHESVEBI" Georgian Association for  the Protection of Environment and Cultural Monuments, Tbilisi, Georgia (Republic)

Heritage  of  the  Great  Steppe:  Popularization  and  Discovery
of  Kazakhstan  Cultural  Heritage  Among  the  Blind

Asyl Azhibekov and Ayym Musabekova, Republican Library for Blind and Visually Impaired Citizens, Almaty, Kazakhstan

Oxfords Great War Archive Project: Demonstrating the Potential of Online Community Collections

Stuart Lee, Oxford University, United Kingdom

From  Heart  to  Heart  (From  the  Work  Experience of  Labytnanghi  Libraries and  "Renaissance" Club  for  Visually  Impaired  Users)

Inna Lyubinetskaya, Centralized Library System, Labytnanghi, Yamal-Nenets Autonomous District, Russia

Library Innovations: Status and prospects

Evgeniya Guseva, Russian State Library, Moscow, Russia

Information Literacy as One of the Priorities of "Information for All" UNESCO Program

Nataliya Gendina, Research Institute of Information Technologies in Social Sphere, Kemerovo State University of Culture and Arts, Kemerovo, Russia

System Approach to Increasing Information Culture Level of Children and Young Adults in Kuznetsk Basin: Results of ten-year experience of  implementing "Information for All" UNESCO Program

Nataliya Gendina and Larisa Ryabtseva, Kemerovo State University of Culture and Arts, Kemerovo, Russia

Those Who Hammered Victory in the Rear. Technical Libraries during the World War II        

Tatyana Karatygina,  Moscow State University of Culture and Arts, Khimki, Moscow Region, Russia

Personal Information Culture in the Structure of Library Profession: Tasks of Innovative Education and Possibilities of Cognitive Technologies

Nataliya Gendina, Kemerovo State University of Culture and Arts, Kemerovo, Russia

© NPLS&T Russia, ELNIT Association - 2010