Шрайберг Яков Леонидович, ГПНТБ России доктор техн. наук, профессор, генеральный директор ГПНТБ России, главный редактор журнала «Научные и технические библиотеки», заведующий кафедрой информатизации культуры и электронных библиотек Московского государственного института культуры, заслуженный работник культуры
Yakov Shrayberg, Russian National Public Library for Science and Technology, Moscow, Russia, Dr. Sc. (Engineering), Professor, Director General, Russian National Public Library for Science and Technology; Editor-in-Chief, Scientific and Technical Libraries Journal; Head, Chair for Culture Informatization and Electronic Libraries, Moscow State Institute of Culture, gpntb@gpntb.ru, 17, 3rd Khoroshevskaya st., 123298 Moscow, Russia
Designing the single knowledge space based on network-centric information infrastructure in the modern age of digital economy development (Annual paper presented to the Fourth World Professional Forum «Crimea-2018»)
Traditionally, the annual report opens the World Professional Crimea Forum. Primarily, the speaker focuses on the concept of digital economy interpreted as the economic relations system based on the digital information and communication technologies. The Program “Digital economy of the Russian Federation” is reviewed. Several concepts, e. g. bitcoin and blockchain, Industry 4.0, New Internet, etc., are defined. The current problems of the Internet are examined, in particular, the lack of the single management and development center. The statistical data on the profile and involvement of the internet users is reported. Special attention is given to using Internet in Russia and the related problem of copyright in Russia and worldwide. The role of open access in building the knowledge environment and the role of the main contributors to the process, namely, publishers, libraries, educational institutions, are emphasized. Online education and accessible seamless education environment are specified as the main trends in education, The key vectors of developing knowledge content and its application in the digital environment are defined, these are: inclusiveness, artificial intelligence and green (sustainable) libraries, etc. The current situation in the global book market is evaluated on the basis of the results of the London Book Fair 2018. The project “The modern digital educational environment in the Russian Federation” is examined along with the projected results. The role of the National Electronic Library as the major innovative library project and the national information system is emphasized. The author concludes that the libraries of the future become an essential part of the national and global information infrastructure.
Арутюнов Валерий Вагаршакович, Российский государственный гуманитарный университет доктор техн. наук, профессор Российского государственного гуманитарного университета (Москва)
Valery Arutyunov, Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow, Russia, Dr. Sc. (Engineering), Professor, Russian State University for the Humanities, awagar@list.ru, 6, Miusskaya sq., 125993 Moscow, Russia
Гришина Наталия Васильевна, Российский государственный гуманитарный университет канд. техн. наук, доцент Российского государственного гуманитарного университета (Москва)
Nataliya Grishina, Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow, Russia, Cand. Sc. (Engineering), Associate Professor, Chair for Information Security, Russian State University for the Humanities, grnat@rambler.ru, 25 building 2, Kirovogradskaya st., 117534 Moscow, Russia
Clustering the performance efficiency of Russian scientists in the natural sciences
The authors prove, on the basis of the analysis, that no one full-scale study of scientific performance of the organizations and researchers in the natural science has been conducted in the Russia. They propose to project the study of the publication flow in about 30 disciplines within the natural sciences based on the data of the Russian Science Citation Index to analyze the performance of Russian scientists and to obtain new knowledge on leading regional scientific clusters, organizations and personalia. The findings of the study, based on the Hirsch index and other citation indicators would enable to evaluate the Russia’s contribution into the disciplines in the form of the demanded and cited study results. The data for three disciplines are presented, namely: informatics, cybernetics, and computer engineering, supplemented with the ranking lists of Russian organizations with maximum values of citation and Hirsch indexes. The article is complemented with the tables. The article is prepared through the support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, Grant No. 18-07-00036.
Швецова-Водка Галина Николаевна, Ровенский государственный гуманитарный университет доктор ист. наук, профессор кафедры документальных коммуникаций и библиотечного дела Ровенского государственного гуманитарного университета (Украина)
Galina Shvetsova-Vodka, Rovno State University of Humanities, Rovno, Ukraine, Dr. Sc. (History), Professor, Chair for Documentary Communications and Library Science, Rovno State University of Humanities, shvetsova1943@gmail.com, 12, S. Bandera st., 33028 Rovno, Ukraine
Noospheric lines in the document studies
The author examines the concept of noosphere as applied in the document studies. In 1990ies, Kim Gelman-Vinogradov used in the document studies and introduced the concepts of the ‘noospheric document environment’ and noospheric document memory’. The author also demonstrates how Gelman-Vingradov’s ideas are related with A. V. Sokolov’s interpretation of documentosphere and definition of the document. The concept of nooinformation is examined as applied to the works by Yury Stolyarov and Roman Moltulsky, along with its relation to the documents as the object of library studies and to the concept of social (semantic) information. In the works of bibliography theorists: Galina Gordukalova, V. Fokeev, Alexandra Kumanova, the concept of noosphere is used to characterize document flows, document information, information modeling, and bibliographic compression of information. Arkady Sokolov’s proposal to develop noospherology, and his idea of the libraries; role in promoting the noospheric future and educating homo noospheric, is examined. The author also suggests that the noospheric approach will become a methodological instrument in documentospheric knowledge and will be of practical use for defining the role of libraries in the modern society.
Полтавская Елена Игоревна, Научная музыкальная библиотека им. С. И. Танеева доктор пед. наук, заведующая отделом хранения фондов Научной музыкальной библиотеки им. С. И. Танеева Московской государственной консерватории им. П. И. Чайковского
Elena Poltavskaya, S. I. Taneyev Research Musical Library of Petr Tchaikovsky Moscow State Conservatory, Moscow, Russia, Dr. Sc. (Pedagogy), Head, Collection Storage Department, S. I. Taneyev Research Musical Library of Petr Tchaikovsky Moscow State Conservatory, poltavskaya.elen@gmail.com, 13/6, Bolshaya Nikitskaya st., 125009 Moscow, Russia
Classifying libraries on the basis of structural systematization
The author suggests an uncontroversial classification of libraries based on the hierarchy of the terms derived from several generic concepts: ‘Libraries as social institutions’ and ‘personal libraries’. The general classification of libraries is obtained through dividing discrete sets in each of these two groups. Ranking the libraries into classes is introduced: line, subline, type, supratype, subtype. For the libraries serving to the society though established by individuals or collective founders without regulative documents, the author introduces the term “private public access library”. The dichotomy of special and public libraries is examined in its historical aspect. For each subclass, special and universal library types are revealed. For three of them, the special libraries are identified by the “diversity of user categories” and are interpreted as the libraries serving to special (not every) categories of users providing library materials in specific thematic area or readable in some specific manner. Public or universal libraries are oriented towards every user category with the widest and diverse information interests and physical abilities