The Twenty Fifth International Conference and Exhibition "Information Technologies, Computer Systems and Publications for Libraries"--"LIBCOM–2021" took place in Suzdal on December 20–24, 2021.
More than 200 participants attended over 20 events during the three days of Conference professional program.
At the opening session the participants were greeted by representatives of the RF Federal Assembly State Duma, RF Ministry of Science and Higher Education, RF Ministry of Construction, Housing and Utilities, RF Ministry for Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media, Russian Foundation for Basic Research, Rosstroycontrol (Federal Construction Monitoring Center), Department of Culture of Vladimir Region, Rybnoye Boarding School for Orphans and Children without Parental Support, and the Conference sponsors ‒ EBSCO and IEEE companies.
Within the Conference professional program (on December 21–23):
and many other professional events were held.
The concept of digital transformation in science, culture and education was in the focus of professional discussions. The status and prospects for new information technologies in libraries under digitalization, the federal projects and programs of the RF Ministry of Science and Higher Education and Ministry of Culture, innovations in modern educational technologies, legal problems of libraries and information providers, e-libraries and digital information resources, school libraries, sci-tech children’s activities, etc., were the Conference key topics.
Several special events were also held:
- innovative projects of “Libraries of the Future”, special seminar;
- presentation of the three-volume book “My friend Katya Genieva”;
- signing agreements of cooperation.
The cultural program of «LIBCOM-2021» Conference comprised the tour of the city of Vladimir, “What? Where? When? In Library, Information, Book an Publishing Space” Intellectual Show, and the Organizing Committee’s party at LIBCOM Club: “Remembering the old pages—closing the Cigar Club”.
The Conference was accompanied by the specialized Exhibition.
The program, materials, as well as detailed reports on each day of the Conference can be found on the website of the Conference "LIBCOM-2021"
Russian National Public Library for Science and Technology (RNPLS&T);
International Association of Users and Developers of Electronic Libraries and New Information Technologies (ELNIT Association);
National Library Association “Libraries of the Future” (NALF).
Information and organizational support:
– Ministry of science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation;
– Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation.
The International Conference and Exhibition "Information Technologies, Computer Systems and Publications for Libraries" (“LIBCOM”) is held annually since 1997. The Conference mover and main organizer is the Russian National Public Library for Science and Technology. Traditionally, the Conference is supported by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education and Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, International Association of Users and Developers of Electronic Libraries and New Information Technologies (ELNIT Association), and National Library Association “Libraries of the Future”. The Conference gathers top managers and experts of institutions of culture, education and science, publishers and booksellers, IT-specialists, and many other professionals.