General page
The Twenty Second International Conference and Exhibition "LIBCOM-2018"
"Information Technologies, Computer Systems and Publications for Libraries"
«TOURCENTER» Tourist and Hotel Complex, Suzdal, Vladimir Region, Russia
November 26–30, 2018
Russian version

Scientific agenda

Scientometrics, bibliometrics, open data and publications in science


Paper type (plenary, viva-voce, poster paper)


Paper title




Viva-voce paper

O. Belyavsky

Web of Science and Scopus bibliometric databases for studying Russian researcher publication activities

Viva-voce paper

I. Zhurbina

SciHub and full-text databases: A statistical aspect

Viva-voce paper

Yakov Shrayberg

Open data in library and information services to offer to scientists and professionals

Viva-voce paper


Translation of the paper by Dr. Rafael Ball, ETH Library, Zurich, Switzerland: «Scientometrics of the Future: Scoring and profiling as new bibliometric standard tools».

Viva-voce paper

N. Mazov, V. Gureev and A. E. Guskov

Academic mobility as a subject of scientometric measurements: Reviewing publications

Viva-voce paper

V. Bogorov

Web of Science: New options for scientists

Viva-voce paper

V. Gureev..

Practical bibliometrics: New vectors for scientific libraries

Viva-voce paper

M. Goncharov, I. Mikhailenko and K. Ivina

Methods of building the bibliographies of recommended journals in artificial intelligence

Viva-voce paper


How it all began (On the Second Conference of Bibliometrics in Forshungszentrum Juelich Library, 2003)

Viva-voce paper

Локтев А.П.

Russian science. Elsevier analyzing

Viva-voce paper

N. Trishchenko

Open access and publication activities measurements

Viva-voce paper

K. Kolosov

Analyzing statistics of using e-catalog in 2018

Viva-voce paper

N. Mazov

Changing bibliometric values during researcher’s career

Viva-voce paper

I. Mikhailenko

Processing scientometric data to detect leading organizations, in particular

Viva-voce paper

E. Lindeman and N. Mazurik

Promoting the RNPLS&T’s Scientific and Technical Libraries journal to the Web of Science’ Emerging Sources Citation Index

Viva-voce paper

K. Borgoyakova, E. Bycjkova, A. Zemskov and I. Kondrasheva

Bibliometric analysis of scientific publications in ecology based on the abstracts database — new results

Poster paper

V. Zverevich

Bibliometrics in foreign libraries

Poster paper

M. Goncharov

On building thematic bibliographies of the most demanded scientific journals

Poster paper

K. Borgoyakova.

Bibliometric analysis of the publications by MSIC [Moscow State Institute of Culture] post-graduates

Certification training

A. Loktev.

Certification training in using authors and corporate profiles in Scopus (preparing reports and updating profiles, etc.), preliminary registration required

Certification training

A. Lyashenko

Certification training «Interacting with authors to increase organizational publication activities», preliminary registration here

Certification training

V. Bogorov

The world of Web of Science’ scientific journals: How to find the best journal for your publication, preliminary registration required

Certification training

V. Sosedova

Master class: «Modern analysis methods for scientific activities: Using analytical platform InCites», preliminary registration required


Program Committee Chair — Mikhail Goncharov



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