Seventeenth International Conference and Exhibition LIBCOM-2013
"Information Technologies, Computer Systems and Publications for Libraries"
«TOURCENTER» Tourist and Hotel Complex, Suzdal, Vladimir Region
November 11–16, 2013
Russian version

About Suzdal About Conference Announcement and Call For Papers Registration Form Excursion Transfer Transport Exhibition

Seventeenth International Conference
and Exhibition
«Information Technologies, Computer Systems and Publications
for Libraries»

Conference venue: Hotel Complex “Tour Center”, Suzdal, Vladimir Region, Russia

November 11–16, 2012


  • Russian National Public Library for Science and Technology, Moscow, Russia

  • Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia

  • Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia

  • Russian Foundation for Basic Research, Moscow, Russia

  • International Association of Users and Developers of Electronic Libraries and New Information Technologies, Moscow, Russia

The subject scope of the Conference covers actual issues of development of information society; state and perspectives of development of information and internet technologies; their introduction in library practice; issues of system and net integration of information and library resources; innovations of modern education technologies; legal aspects of library operation and information providers’ activities; development of digital libraries and digital information resources etc.

The main conference program will primarily be based on invited speakers’ papers and basic reports as well as special workshops, master classes and discussion groups.

The Conference is accompanied by an exhibition on the main subjects: modern computer and internet technologies in information and library activity; digital information and resources, publishers’ products, library furnishing and equipment, education technologies, and other adjacent directions.

Conference participants may take advantage of a social and cultural program including:

– a local sightseeing tour in Suzdal (monasteries and museums)

– a concert show

– intellectual show “What, Where, When in Library, Information and Publishing Space”

– an informal party on the occasion of the Conference closing with live music.

A pool, gym, and sauna as well as health treatment will be available to the Conference participants during their free hours. Spacious hall of restaurant “Day and night” and lobby bar invite you to spend warm minutes with your colleagues.

Cost of participation depends on the category of a room and includes: accommodation, three meals daily, participation in professional program and events dedicated to opening and closure of the Conference, participation in culture program, transfer from Vladimir to Suzdal and back in days of arrival and departure*.


Room category




(two beds or double bed)

850 USD

1050 USD

Studio (1 room)

(double bed and sofa)

900 USD

1200 USD

Luxury suite (2 rooms)

(double bed and sofa)

1060 USD

1300 USD

* Registration fee amount includes VAT.

Exhibition stand rental fee is 550 USD.

You should submit full text of your proposed paper or message to email of your regional coordinator. The materials should include the title of your paper, name of the reporter, position and full title of the organization.

The deadline is October 25, 2013.

The Organization Committee has the right of final decision which reports are to be included in the program, and can determine status and theme part of the program for the report. Declined reported are not to be corrected and returned.


General information:

Tel: +7 (495) 628-13-40, (495) 625-44-37

Fax: +7 (495) 621-98-62 Email:


Regional Managers:

Moscow and Moscow region

Tel: + 7 (495) 628-74-88 Email:


Tel: + 7 (495) 625-91-28 Email:


Tel: + 7 (495) 624-94-58 Email:

Europe, North and South America and other regions

Tel: + 7 (495) 624-94-58 Email:

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